


The saving words and deeds of Jesus Christ are the foundation of what He would communicate in the sacraments through the ministers of the Church. Guided by the Holy Spirit, the Church recognizes the existence of seven Sacraments instituted by the Lord.

They are the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, the Eucharist), the Sacraments of Healing (Penance and the Anointing of the Sick), and the Sacraments at the Service of Communion (Marriage and Holy Orders).

Through the sacraments, God shares His holiness with us so that we, in turn, can make the world holier.


This is the basis of the whole Christian life, the door to the other sacraments. Baptism washes away sin. We are reborn as children of God and become members of the Church.

Glory To God celebrates Baptisms on most Sundays of the year starting at 11 a.m. If you are baptizing your first baby, parents attend Baptismal preparation (our Pre-Jordan session), which usually is on the first Sunday of the month at 2 p.m.

Parents need to register for Baptismal preparation with the parish office at least 7 days in advance of the class. You can do this by calling one of our priests via the Parish office at 801-394-0204. You must submit required paperwork at least two weeks prior to Baptism.

For more information, please contact our Parish office by email or by calling 801-394-0204


Confirmation deepens our baptismal life that calls us to be missionary witnesses of Jesus Christ in our families, neighborhoods, society, and the world. Situations when Confirmation is celebrated include:

  • Children. Typically, children receive the sacrament in the autumn. For more information, contact Deacon Joseph the Director of Religious Education, and be sure to read about our Parish Religious Education Program.


The Eucharist is the source and summit of the Christian life. We receive the very Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ (the Real Presence) in Holy Communion. Everything from the Christian life flows from the Eucharist and flows back to it. It is in the act of worship at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass that we disciples receive the Eucharist.

Young Catholics customarily receive the Eucharist for the first time in the second grade, and our parish offers a PREP (Parish Religious Education Program) to help them prepare.

For those unable to attend church because of illness or age, we can arrange to bring Holy Communion into your home.


Those who go to Confession receive the forgiveness of their sins and are reconciled with God. We all have a built-in navigation system called our conscience. Your conscience is that part of you that knows the difference between good and evil.

To prepare to receive this sacrament you need to examine your conscience. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops provides helpful resources for doing this.

At Glory To God, Confession is available on Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. and from 3:30 p.m. to 4:15 p.m., as well as on Wednesdays after Masses. Other times are by appointment through calling the Parish Office at 801-394-0204.

Anointing the Sick

Through the holy anointing and the prayer of the priest, the sick receive the healing power of Christ and are given the strength to unite their suffering to Him. This Sacrament is intended for those who are facing surgery, have been diagnosed with a serious illness, are infirm due to age, or are near death. To arrange to receive the sacrament, please contact our Parish office at 801-394-0204.


Our Parish family rejoices with you for your engagement and will support you as you prepare for the sacrament of Marriage, the intimate, exclusive, unbreakable bond between authored by God. It is a response to a call from God to reveal His love to the world.

To be married in the Church, you must make preparations at least six months in advance. So, before you set a date, call 801-394-0204 to speak with one of our priests to discuss your plans.

Holy Orders

A Catholic priest is a man who has been called by God to serve the church. He loves God, the Church, and the people he serves. He is rooted in prayer and joyfully wishes to bring others to Christ. Deacons, upon whom hands are imposed "not unto the priesthood, but unto a ministry of service," work with the bishop and his group of priests by serving in the diaconate of the liturgy, of the word, and of charity to the people of God.

You can find information on the web about becoming a priest in our diocese, as well as guidance regarding diaconal formation.

If you or someone you know is interested in becoming a priest or deacon encourage him to pray about it and contact one of our parish priests at 801-394-0204.